Cultivate Mastermind
Why I Write
I did not think God could be good, and I could be divorced. I did not think God could be good, while my life fell apart. I did not think God could be good, and I could live through my worst-case scenario. Yet He pursued me and taught me that I could hold both things together. He could be faithful and I could be grieving. He could be loving and I could live through deep pain. He could be near and I could feel alone.
A scripture that I’ve held on to and turned over and over in my mind is from the scene in John 6 where Jesus is teaching the multitudes after He has just performed the miracle of feeding the five thousand. The crowds keep following Him—maybe some wanted more miracles or another full belly, and perhaps some saw rightly and wanted Him as the Messiah. Jesus delivers difficult teaching rather than delivering signs and miracles, so many of them leave. As the countryside quieted, Jesus turned to the twelve to ask them, will you leave too? Peter answers by saying, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:68–69). When Jesus seemingly lets us down, how do we live like this is true?
It is very tempting to leave the faith when we experience immense pain and loss. I was raised in the church and in a wonderful Christian home. I followed all the rules, and I still found myself as a divorced single mom. Even though I knew orthodox Christian doctrine, I had subtly believed the lie that if I kept obeying, God would eventually fix my situation. I almost walked away from God, and probably would have, if He hadn’t kept me.
In His mercy, He pried my hands off the works-based gospel I was clinging to and showed me His faithfulness is not dependent on my circumstances. I write because He is the only place joy can be found.
I write to light the path for those who are slogging through unexpected darkness, with one hand in front of their face, hoping for light.
Calling all writers!
I'm looking for members to join my Mastermind group. Do you or someone you know need accountability, editing, and encouragement in the craft? Let's work together!
The commitment level is 6 months, at which point we will open the group up again to new members if space allows. Welcoming any skill level.